Active Captain update


New member
Will Furuno be updating their implementation of the new Active Captain database? Garmin now owns AC and they recently did re-write of AC. Now I cannot update the AC data on my TZTL2 -15 and -12.
Thanks, Gary

The newest database and instructions are posted under "software" on the product pages of the TZT2. If you wish to update your AC data, it was posted last week for your convenience. Garmin has committed to providing the new API data to manufacturers so we might again use the online update process within our units. We are still waiting for the complete API data to do that along with the time for our programmers to adapt this new API into our units. We expect that the wi-fi AC download process will be made available in the future. In the meantime our shipping units will come pre-loaded and anyone needing the database has it available on our website.
I go Products > TZT2 > TZTL12F > Support/tech info > Software. I see "NNTZT2 Active Captain Data" which appears to be the data (natch) but no instructions. Can you provide? Or maybe the instructions are in one of the manuals there but the titles are not sufficiently obvious to steer me...