6.21 update...


New member
Added some new toys (PG700, GP330B, TM260 and the FI5002) to my system (TZT2 and DRS4D-NXT) this past week after doing the 6.21 update and everything is working perfectly together. Could not be happier with the results BUT the update now draws a white line on the ocean floor that I really do not like or need. Does anybody know how to turn this new feature off? I looked around but cannot for the life of me find how/where to turn it off.

Thanks for your time,
Bob Anderson
I believe if you touch the sounder screen a pop up menu will show. Scroll down and you will see white line. Open it up and then you can turn it off
I'll try that next weekend. I tried going into the sonar settings but couldn't find anything. Never thought to try the simple route of just tapping the screen and scrolling down into that box. Thank you sir!