Kicker is right, it really wouldn't be a normal match. I guess it depends on the model B265 you are asking about. If it is the B256LH model (which covers the 50/200 freq range), it would be possible to connect them if you purchase an Airmar Matching box and wire it up to the FCV588. It would function very much like the B260 in that configuration.
To follow up on this, our acoustics guys tested the combination and found it will work fine on the High Freq side but if you adapt it, the Low Freg side will not be so good. That particular transducer tends to ring the LF centered at 42Khz so although 50khz it is within its rated CHIRP range, it really wouldn't be worth the effort unless you wish to use it only for the HF side. It is best to use one of the rated transducers for the FCV588.