Hello i am hoping someone can help me with my 1850DF. I know its an older unit but would love to be able to figure out how to use the fish finder capability. The GPS/ChartPlotter functions work great, but i can't seem to mark fish. I have adjusted the gain, depth range, set it to fishing mode versus cruising mode, etc. but don't see images like i saw on the pics Snips posted on a 1650 forum. I've got the airmar p66 transducer that came on the 2002 boat when i bought it recently that shows speed, depth, temp. This is the right one correct? Am i doing something wrong that is simple or are there a few things i can try as i want to get my son more interested fishing and catching versus cruising.Should i have it set at 50 or 200 or does that matter? :sorry I'm usually in less than 300 feet of water looking for anything over the wrecks or reefs in s fla. I appreciate anything to assist here as i've downloaded the manual, but can't seem to get it worked out. thx again