


Hello all,
I was wondering if a 1623disp radar unit will hook up to a GD-1900c. if it does, will the overlay be in color or is that driven by the color capabilities of the 1623?

I do not need a large radar for my boat I will be using it in our local river, and lake . If it will not connect to the GD-1900c, what older radar unit would you reccomend to use? I was looking at a used RDP-139 but its a little large for what I need. But they do make a nice pair :)

Thanks in advance,
You will not be able to connect the 1623 and 1900.
The smallest radar you could connect would be a 2.2kW dome, RSB0094-075. You will also need a new signal cable for the connection.
If you decide to go this route please make sure your 1900C is capable of a radar upgrade. There was a short period when this product was initially introduced that the radar connection was disabled. Your local dealer or our technical department could help you with that determination.
Thanks for the reply.
Are you saying that it might be possible to connect the radone directly to the 1900 through the RJ1 port?

When I go into any of the DISP options Radar has a red X over over any view including a radar window.
The antenna mentioned will plug into the large silver connector DJ1.
The radar window is greyed out since there is no radar connected or programed.
Also be aware that in order to do radar overlay you will need a heading input form a compass. This would come in on another port.
The installation manual is on line. In the search type in 1823C. It will be under manuals and documents on the product page.
Thanks for the help.

I thought that the GD1900c could not use a signal directly from the antenna. It was my understanding that it had to pass through a radar display like the RDP-139 and then connect to the GD1900c through navnet. I searched all the online manuals and they show no instance of an antenna connected directly to the GD-1900c. I will give it a try !!

The GD1900C was the same product as the GP1900C, but shipped less the GPS sensor.
But once again, the original units had a radar connection disabled. Later on this was not done, so you need to have that checked by a local dealer or our tech department before you invest any funds for the parts.
Will Cable 000-140-434 connect to my existing rsb-071 dome? And then be compatible with the gd-1900c? Assuming that I do no have one of the earlier models.
Your thread is a bit hard to keep track of because you are jumping around a lot, on parts and units. When you provide an RSB number; you are only providing half the information. The RSB number tells us what the physical gear box that was used, but not what electronics are inside it. Furuno will put different electronics into gear boxes for different models. To fully determine compatibility, we need to know the RTR number in addition to the RSB number. You will normally see the part listed as example RSB0071-058. The first part of the number is the RSB (gearbox) and after the dash is the RTR number (electronics). The RTR number is normally listed on the scanner below the RSB type number, as part of the FCCid#. It will end in RTRxxx. If you can provide the RTR number of this scanner, I can be more helpful. With that said, the scanner cable number you asked about (000-140-434) is for one of our open array antennas and not a dome radar.
sorry for the jumping around, I was under the impression that the GD-and GP were totally different units. After all the info that you gave me I now understand.

this should make more sense.
I have a GD1900c NT and a RSB0071-057 with the proper cable can I connect the 2.
GD = Graphics Display
GP = Graphics Plotter

In case of the NavNet systems, the GD is just the display unit and the GP is the display unit with a GPS antenna.

The RSB0071-057 can be used on a 10.4" or Back box NavNet (either NN1 or Vx2). It can NOT be used on the 7" display. It is a 24" 4KW dome radar scanner. The part number of the required scanner cable would depend on the length you require but the normal 15 meter cable is part# 000-138-970. When connected to your existing GD1900C/NT (C-Map RDP139) the radar would be known as the model 1833C/NT. If you would like to download manuals or see optional accessories on our web site, please use that number in the quick search box.