Wiring a 585l to a Gp37


New member
I need my 585l connected to my Gp37 to be able to use the “mark” feature. Needing a wiring diagram. Thanks.
Can you verify what unit you have? We have an FCV585 but no 585l.
For the FCV585 to the GP37 you would wire it as
Pin 1 WHITE on GP37 goes to Pin 3 YELLOW on FCV585
Pin 2 BLUE on Gp37 goes to Pin 4 GREEN on FCV585

Follow the links to each of the manuals! They have the wiring diagram and more information in both of them :)
FCV585 - https://www.furunousa.com/-/media/s...ls/fcv585_fcv620_operators_manual_g__1711.pdf

GP37 - https://www.furunousa.com/-/media/s...uals/gp32_gp37_operators_manual_f1__52710.pdf

Both of those are super helpful