What is Alarm signal for (purple/brown wires)?



On page 2-2 of the TZT2 installation manual (tztl12f_15f_installation_manual.pdf) - Section 2.3 Multi Cable lists the different wires and their purposes.

I think I understand what the buzzer is for (gray/red wires) - anchor alarm, waypoint approach maybe, stuff like that?

But the same chart lists "Alarm signal" (purple/brown wires) and I am not clear what this is for? Must be different from the buzzer, so, what is it for?

There is also a section 2.3.2, 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 which explain how to connect the buzzer, nmea output and event switch, but nothing about Alarm, which seems odd.

The best place to look at for wiring is page S-1 (Interconnection Diagram) of the installation manual. The PPL and BRN wires are used for an operator fitness signal for Bridge Watch systems (like Furuno's BR-500).

Basically every time you touch or conduct a function on the TZT2, it sends a reset signal to reset the Bridge watch system to prevent the alarm from going off. The design is to ensure the pilot is awake and working to control the boat. Other systems that offer this feature allow the watch system to constantly be reset as the Captain maintains control of the vessel. The system can be reset with movement sensors and other devices on the boat besides the TZT2. The idea is if the Captain falls asleep or gets incapacitated, he won't be pushing buttons or moving. The bridge alarm will go off attempting to get his attention. If that doesn't work it can be setup to start alarming in other locations like the staterooms. No one wants to be on a boat without someone properly driving it. This output feature is normally a commercial item. They added it to the TZT2 because a higher end Yacht might like this feature. There are many who might benefit by having a Bridge Watch system other than commercial shipping. I know if I was on a long voyage at night, it would be hard to stay awake. So... that is my long version of what those two wires are used for.