TZTL12F / DRS4D-NXT ARPA Targets not showing up correctly


New member
Arpa targets are not showing up accurately. It will show a vessel that is approximately .5nm or so from its actual position both with regards to distance and it will be offset from its actual location. For instance it showed a tug being .5nm on land when it was clearly in the middle of the channel behind me. Is this due to some Radar/Arpa setting within the TZTL12F or is it an issue with the radar itself?
You want to ensure that your radar is aligned properly and the compass is properly calibrated and offset.
On a radar display, not overlay, ensure that a buoy off your bow appears on your heading line. This is covered in 3-14 of the TZTL12F manual.
You will also need to align your heading source. This is done by comparing HDG and COG, typically at the four cardinals, then applying the necessary offset to the heading source.
If you do not have a NavPilot, then yes. If you have a NavPilot, you can use the interface built in to that.