TZTBB and Airmar 200WX


New member
Hi Everyone

I have a little problem with my system and would like to ask if anyone knows what I'm missing in the configuration.
My system consists of an nmea2000 networked TZTBB with GP330 antenna, a PG500 sensor (on nmea0183 network) and an Airmar 200WX weather station.
The 200WX should be able to show the true wind direction and speed in addition to the apparent wind speed, but I always see identical values. Both AWS/TWS and AWD/TWD are always the same.

What can this depend on? Have I forgotten any settings?

Thank you very much.

You have to get heading on the NMEA2K bus or turn on heading in the weather sensor to get the TWA and TWS

thank you very much
My PG500 is already connected with a IF-NMEA2k2 to the Nmea2000 bus.
Any how could I switch on the heading from the 200WX?