TZ2 Alarm sound


Furuno Super Fan
Took me some time but I kept hearing a brief alarm sound and figured out it’s sounding when the tracks become full and automatically delete, this is especially a nuisance when anchored and swinging around creates points that eventually top off the memory and it auto deletes.

Any way to remove this alarm?
I’d still like an alarm sound when the NavPilot engages or disengages so I can keep track if it’s enabled or turned off from the other station.
If you allow all 30,000 track points to be fully used, but have auto delete turned on; the unit will provide one beep with the notice; when it hits the maximum. If you turn off the notification alarm, you will lose the pilot notification sound you like. It is one single beep and only happens once as you hit the limit. As long as you have auto delete on it won't keep beeping. I would recommend setting your tracks up where the 30,000 points lasts you 5-7 days and then back up and empty the tracks of the system once a week so you don't near the limit. If you don't hit the limit, it won't beep. I am sorry, there is no way to turn off that single beep notification without turning off the other notifications as well.
Do you have the track set for distance or time based recording? If you anchor a lot, maybe you should go with a somewhat longer distance or time interval and thus greatly extend the time before you using up the 30,000 point capacity. Also you could always just hit stop recording from the right side swipe menu when you set up at anchor.