Strange behavior between TZT and PG700


Furuno Super Fan
Among a lot of other Furuno stuff my system consists of the 12" TZT3, SC20 and PG700. I kept the PG700 as it is as a backup.

Some days ago I noticed that the PG700 does not provide HDG anymolre. I tried a thousand things, no luck.

So I did a factory reset and voila, PG sending HDG again. But just for about 5-10 seconds :-(

After a lot of more testing I found out that the PG7000 transmits HDG "forever", but as soon as I start the TZT3 it stops after around the already mentioned 5-10 seconds. Furthermore it starts sending only after a factroy reset. I am not sure if that is new with the actual TZZ Firmware, but it seems that the TZT transmits something via N2K and disables the PG700.

Any hint is welcome....

Thanks in advance

I haven't heard of any problems but data flow is important. I recommend looking at what is being output and change settings accordingly. The TZT3 is not a heading source so it has no business having the heading data sentences turned on. Doing so would create a cascading data loop as it picks NMEA 2000 heading up from the source and regurgitates it.
Thanks Johnny fir your reply but I can reproduce this error again and again. Pg700 factory reset and all is fine, I also can select the hdg source between sc20 and pg700 at fir example the navpilot head unit. Once the thtouch is fired up, no heading data is recognized from the pg700.

I think it is not easy to take notice of that because as long as the sc20 provides hdg data you wont see the missing pg700 output. Pg has the Firmware 1.03 and is about tennyears old....
Crosschecked tbat again, as soon as the TZT is fired up the HDG of the PG700 is gone and wont come up again without factory reset....
Sounds like something related to the NMEA 2000 bus or the compass erroring out. I would look around for motorized fishing reels, motors, metal or other items around the compass area. Note the lights on the top of the compass when it is working and when it isn't showing up on the network.
Thank you for spending your time with my problem, which I now solved, but still dont know what the reason was

As mentioned before, the PG700 works flawless and provides the HDG into N2K, my autopilot works with it four hours until I boot the TZT. I checked this a "thousand" times, PG700 wont procide data until a factory reset and shuts down as soon as the TZT was up.

Running out of options I did a factory reset on the still there after rebooting the TZT. After some time playing around I reloaded my TZT Setup from the cloud and the HDG still was there, the PG700 didnt stop providing the data and still does.

I dont know what the reason is, My backed up Settings were exactly the same. I can only guess that there was somewhere a glitch in a config file whatsoever.

I dont know if I had only bad luck....and as I also already wrote I noticed that behavior by chance, because most of the time HDG input comes from the SC20 and the PG700 still shows up in the device list (doing nothing). Maybe some with the same issue will help my experience.....

Happy Eastern
