Shut down system except for one screen


New member

I’m hoping someone can help me.

I have a 3 screen TZT12F system, with DFF3D, NXT radar and AIS. Is there a way to shut down all items except for one screen to use as an anchor watch. I like to record the swing of the boat as it shows any anchor drag on the screen by recording the track. This is a good check if the anchor alarm goes off.

I have been able to shut down two screens (leaving one screen on) however the radar stays in standby, as does the DFF3D, consuming a reasonable amount of battery power.


If you go to the display(s) you want to power off and select "just this device", you can individually power them down.
Thanks Jonny,

How do I power down the radar and DFF3D please. I can put them in standby, however there still seems to be a significant power draw.
A breaker or switch needs to be between the power source and equipment otherwise there is no way to power off the radar. To my knowledge there's not a remote on/off wire on the nxt like an amplifier has.