Screen has bleached spot

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On my second season with my TZT2's. I noticed that the corners of the display have "sun bleached" spots. Only thing is, these NEVER see the sun. They are mounted inside my helm and are also covered whenever not in use.
It sounds like the mounting brackets might be too tight and pulling on the face of the LCD with too much pressure. When the pressure between the glass and the LCD panel is not equal it can cause light or dark spots. If you adjust the pressure (mounting) it should slowly equalize the pressure.
Ok, thanks. Let me provide some additional info.

I am using the optional table top bracket on one unit, and the standard flush mount bracket on the other. The table top mounted unit has the more sever light spots in the lower corners, the Flush mount has the same, but less prominent. These light spots only have developed only recently.

The more severe unit, the table top, has the side knobs that are somewhat tight, but any looser and the mount won't hold position, The teeth on the bracket that engage with the unit are not very aggressive. Also, the unit has side knobs for mounting, the light spot is in the lower corners. As I mentioned, the flush mount unit has the same issue in the same areas, the lower corners.
The bracket mounted unit would not be causing pressure on the panel. Pressure on the panel would only relate to flush mounted units. If under warranty, I would contact your distributor. Many times as long as you report it during the warranty period they will let you finish out the season and send it in later. If outside of warranty, you should still contact them because they might provide special consideration. In summary, you need to talk to your distributor. If this is a Furuno USA unit, I would recommend you call the service center 360-834-9300 and speak with them.
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