RSB0040-064 not working properly with Vx2



Hello all,

I have a Furuno RSB0070
Ser. R-123-0906

I recently purchased this used, working antenna unit to add to my RDP-149. The cable is intact and the plugs are included however when they were disconnected the wires were pulled from the plug itself. I looked through the manual and online diagrams but couldn't find a color coded wiring diagram for the 3 plugs. Can anyone provide these color coded plug combinations?

Plug J823 (1-4)
Plug J824 (1-13)
Plug J821 (1-9)

Thank you.

Be careful because the RSB number is only have of the info. The RSB number is the physical gear box or housing. Furuno will put different electronics in the housing for different models. For example the there is an RSB0070 made for the 7" NavNet displays that will NOT work on the 10.4" NavNet and vice versa. The unit used for the 10.4" (your RDP149) should be an RSB0070-059 (6kw) or RSB0040-064 (4kw). (you will find the electronics number [referred to as RTR] as the last part of the FCCid number on the antenna label where you found the RSB number.

With that said; if you have the correct compatible antenna, your radar model number would be based on the unit connected.

If your display is a C-map unit your radar model number would be
1934C/NT if using the RSB0040-064 (4kw)
1944C/NT if using the RSB0070-059 (6kw)

If your RTR is different, let me know what it is because it most likely isn't compatible.
If your scanner is one of the two listed above, you will find the wiring color code on the interconnection diagram at the back of the install manual. If you can't find it; let me know what unit you have and I will point you directly to it.
Thanks, I do have the RSB0040-064 (4kw), which I'm told essentially makes my 1920C a 1934C/NT. I was able to locate the wiring diagram in the back of the manual.

However I do now have another problem.

I plugged the unit in and went through the Install wizard and followed the steps to install the radar.

Every time I get to the RADAR OPTIMIZATION option, I select "ON". Once I do the array begins to rotate and the display reads "Radar Video Optimization in progress" in a gray box for about 20-30 seconds, then the box disappears, and the Optimization shows "OFF" again in the menu.

When I turn the radar on after the install wizard closes the unit rotates and displays things on the screen as if its working properly, but the picture does not match the shoreline around me at all. I have played with the gain setting and tried a few other adjustments but no luck :sorry

Any Ideas?
You have done the optimization fine. That is how it works. (normally done when the boat is out away from the dock) It sounds like your unit might be in simulate mode or your antenna type is setup wrong. Once you have the unit setup for live and correct antenna type for the 1934C/NT (TYPE C), you might need to do the radar HEADING ALIGN adjustment. It is covered in the installation manual but also the forum has pervious detailed info posted on this.