RSB-0073 Antenna/display compatibility


New member
I have an existing radar with an RSB-0073 open array antenna paired with an RDP-150 display. I would like to upgrade my current display to a DR12 or something else more modern. Is the DR12 compatible and if not are there any other displays that would be?
The only display that will work with that RADAR antenna unitis the RDP150. Those are the FR8xx2 series of RADARs and they did not have the interchangeability that the mutli function displays have.

Did you mean FR12? If so the RADAR antenna unit would have to be changed out for a Digital RADAR Sensor (DRS) RADAR type. You would probably be able to reuse the array (spinning bar) but would have to get specific info as to which DRS RADAR you might be interested in. Please see the attached brochure.

