RPU-015 Data Port Descriptions


New member
Hello first post here! I’m trying to understand the data ports on the RPU 015 processors I’ve inherited and what I can/should connect where. Is there a document that describes each port and their uses? For example I’ve read Data 3 is AD10 heading input only and nothing else. I’ve also read Data 1 and Data 2 are different and if certain devices are connected there then the ports become limited somehow.

I’ve seen connection and wiring diagrams but haven’t been able to find a description of the ports. Thanks for any help!
The RPU015 is a Vx2 Black box processor (~2005) which the part number of the unit is based on what radar it was sold with.
The ports descriptions, installation information and usage is covered by the installation and operator's manuals posted under the product model number on our website (www.FurunoUSA.com). In case you don't know your model number I would recommend using 1934CBB/NT as the model number and access all the documents posted. You will also find lots of prior information on the units and ports in this forum. The ports on the BB are the same as a Vx2 10.4" with exception that the BB doesn't have data 4. Data 4 on the BB was used internally to support the BB keyboard.