Radar won't show on TT2


New member
Hello everyone,
I'm having some issues with my radar showing up on my TZT2. (This is a new set-up.) The display seems to be working fine. It is even showing the Nav Pilot 300 ( via a Nmea backbone)
The radar is not showing up. I am going to the settings tab and touching radar........ no radar shown. I have confirmed that there is power to the sensor. My volt meter is showing 12.7 v.
Any suggestions? Thanks Dan
If your ethernet connection is proper working, the radar will show up automatically.
Check your ethernet connections and check if the hub has power and both ports on the hub light up green. (It of course depends a bit on what hub you are using to connect the TZT2 with the radar.

Possible you tried to connect the radar directly with the TZT2, this will not work. You cannot stick the cable that comes from the radar right into the receptacle of the TZT2. You will need a crossover adapter in between.
I went off the “Small boat set-up” in the installation manual. It shows the radar’s Ethernet cable plugging into the Ethernet cable on the machine. I guess that’s my issue
The DRS4D requires the use of the PSU017 and is not wired directly to 12Vdc.
I misspoke, it’s the DRS4D NXT. I went off the small boat set-up. It’s shows the radar plugging in via the Ethernet cable.
You are correct then, no PSU needed for the NXT.
If you are in the US I suggest you call our customer service tech group while on the boat. They should be able to help you trouble shoot.
360-834-9300 and ask for light marine tech support.
I might have put you on a wrong track with the need for a cross-over adapter to plug your radar directly into the TZT2. It seems the TZT2 ethernet controller supports MDI-X, a feature that senses the cable and automatically reassigns (swaps) receive and transmit pins. So it should work with or without a cross-over adapter. I just verified that by plugging my radar in directly. (I normally run it over an ethernet switch together with a second TFT2). Your problem is likely somewhere else. Check all the cable connectors again whether they are properly seated, possible also the pigtail connectors inside the dome.