Night Vision Camera Screen Rolls

Been using the Black Oak night vision camera for about 6-months on TZ 3 Touch. When boat is up to speed ( not siting still ) the camera screen will start to roll from bottom and will return to the top. Like an old black and white T.V. ( dating myself ) very slow roll. Tech support says all updated software is good. Black Oak sent new wire harness-still same issue. I have recently returned the camera to Black Oak for testing and everything tested good from factory. Any one with same issues or any thoughts?
Screen rolling in analog video is a typical sign of electrical noise in the system. I would try to run the video cable elsewhere or at least away from power cables. You always want power and data cables separate. Boats make this a fun endeavor. If it is conducted noise coming through the power cables to the camera, you could try an isolated power conditioner like the ones used for NMEA 2000.