Newly installed FA50 disconnects from network


My AIS is working but seems to go offline randomly. It will run for several hours then I will notice that it is no longer transmitting or receiving. When I reboot, it returns online and will operate normally for several hours then do the same thing again. When I check the browser when it isn’t working the button to go to the fa 50 browser is shaded as if it isn’t online.

My system is all Furuno Components.

It sounds like the unit is shutting itself down to protect itself. I would expect your AIS whip or whip wiring has something wrong causing it to shut off to prevent unit damage. When the problem happens what is happening with the status lights on the FA50 box?
Jerry, another pont: Do you jabe any Router with DHCP within the Navnet. Such a Thing might mess up the ip4 adresses and the Routing within the Navnet and "fights" against another Masterdevice like a MFD.
The top of the unit has PWR, ER, TX, and RX lights. If you don't have an error light, I have never seen one not at least get the RX light flash once in awhile (showing it is receiving data). It is almost as if you don't have a good whip antenna connected. Do you have this unit sharing an antenna with your VHF radio? AIS/VHF splitters are one of the most common failure devices.
I don’t believe it is shared. I just connected to the connector that was previously on the FA30. I assumed it was dedicated as that I have two VHF whips. One I was assuming for radio the other for AIS.

Could it be related to the GPS antennae. The set up is that my Gp 33 is location source. It is working fine. The GPS antennae is installed for the AIS based on earlier comments. When the AIS is working I get a blue light flash (tx) every few minutes when at the dock. That seems normal. Other people do see it on their AIS.
The GPS antenna is required to TX but not to receive. You said you have no lights except for PWR, when it happens. If you had a bad GPS, the Rx light will still flash once an awhile as it received targets. Your problem sounds like the box needs to be tested out because it stops working entirely. Your Whip antenna wouldn't go bad and get better. If you don't have an external antenna switch then the box should be looked at by your Furuno distributor.
I am sailing/live aboard currently in Northeast. Purchased just two months ago from Defender. Who will best take care of this. The seller (Defender) or someone else.
If you did your own install, you would contact your local authorized servicing dealer for assistance. If it is a problem due to installation, it will be on you to cover. If the unit is under warranty and it's a factory defect, then Furuno pays the dealer. You still have to be within a certain distance from the servicing dealer because there are obvious limits. If you have no dealer near you, you would either need to move the boat closer to them or pay the overage of travel. This is where having the work originally installed by a dealer is helpful. If the install was a problem, they cover their work. It is also easier to get a dealer to put you on their schedule sooner when you are their customer. If you are a US customer, you will find a link at the top of the website that says "Where to buy" it will list all the dealers in your area. You can contact the nearest servicing dealer to arrange service. If you are not a Furuno USA customer or you are traveling, you can find the local distributor for other countries via