Navpilot powered off, how to clear error?


Furuno Super Fan
The boat has been set up to power the autopilot computer from it's own breaker, and it's typically left turned off unless autopilot service is needed.

If I power the Navpilot 300 off the TZT3 complains "NAVpilot Connection Lost" with a big red box at the top of the screen. How do I clear this error?

I went into Home:Lists:Alarms and I can see the error as Active. But no amount of tapping, swiping or whatever clears the error. The box keeps showing up on the screen and is listed as active.

How do I acknowledge it, have it stop making the noise and NOT recur?

Also note that sounds made on the TZT3 are also made on the MCU004 remote. It'd be nice to have an option to dis/enable alarm sounds on the remote separately from the TZT3.
I don't think they intended for people to turn on and off the pilot during the NavNet operations. Most people run them during a trip or they don't. I will report your finding to the parent company. It most is likely a software itch they need to scratch. If you power up the Navnet without the pilot it normally doesn't complain. It also doesn't complain if you power it up after the Navnet. If you must power off the pilot, I would suggest going into your sensor list and conducting a RESET of the items the unit sees. The error is valid because you had something drop off your system. The best way to clear it is to remove it from the items the NavNet is expecting to talk to. Once it is refreshed, the Pilot won't show on the sensor list and the NavNet will stop complaining that you shut it off.
I think you're correct on the overall scenario. In the past I've generally not made a lot of use of autopilot, and would only power it on when needed. I don't recall the MFDs complaining about it (but it's been a while).

I was testing the setup and noticed the TZT3 was unable to clear the error. Thanks for passing it up the software 'chain of command'.

The TZT3 is a lot faster to boot than the MFD12, but it still takes a while. So I'm still a bit traumatized how long things took with the old displays.

I'll try the sensor list reset when I'm on the boat again later this week.