NAVnet 3D with Nobeltec TimeZero Chart Server problem

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We are running version 2.07 NavNet 3D connected through the HUB 101 to the latest version of Trident running on a Windows 7 Panasonic Toughbook PC.

One quirk of this arrangement is that when zooming in on a chart on the NavNet, as one approaches maximum "zoom in", the chart display on the NAVnet breaks up, usually displaying chunks of a smaller scale chart. Spoke to Nobeltec support and they suggested disabling the chart server function of Trident which worked, the NAVnet then displayed and zoomed correctly.

Has anyone else observed this behaviour? My theory is that the processor on the NAVnet MFD just can't keep up with the streaming service as it is an older unit, circa 2008.

It might be worth running the most current software (2.11) on your NN3D to see if that might help. Ideally serving charts over a network that is already busy with sounder and radar data is a little bit problematic as you found. My experience has been if you want to server charts over the network; put all of one type of charts on the PC and the other type on the unit. This way you don't have the unit trying to figure out where it is to draw its data from. For example, put all raster charts on the unit, and all vector on the PC. It always seemed to work better that way, when I tried it.