Nav Pilot 711 Install


I have a TZ Touch 3, SCX 20, Radar. I just purchased the 711 kit. Came with everything plus the PG700 which I know I will not need. Rudder feed too. So the question is, can I install this or is it over my head? Has never had autopilot. Can someone give me some basic what I need to hook to where. I know the SCX 20 is hooked to a nema 2000 backbone. I did not install the radar or scx20. I would like to save some money, but I also understand some things are better left to the pro's. I have some time right now, so I thought I would ask.
Thanks for the input.
Tell us more about the boat?

Do you currently have an AP Pump installed? IMHO, adding that is probably the bigger challenge for a new install. Second is probably the RRU (if you're on an inboard and there's no existing RRU). Getting that set properly without a take out reference, could be a challenge as well.

After that, everything is is pretty much electrical connections:
  • Power to the FAP7002
  • Power to the AP pump
  • Connect the RRU to the FAP7002
  • Connect the FAP7002 to the 711c head unit
  • Connect the FAP7002 to the NMEA2000 backbone

Maybe have an installer do the pump and RRU, you try the rest?
The boat is a 40 foot . Powered by a single 450 Cummins. It does need the RRU. It does not have an AP pump installed. Maybe I need to cut out and mount the 711C head unit and have someone come in and do the rest. Thank you for the information.
You don't need electronics skills to install the rudder feedback. I've installed a bunch of autopilots and customers are always willing to have that taken care of before my arrival where I focus on the electronics and seatrial. The rudder feedback is hands-on work mounting that sensor so that it works mechanically according to the installation diagram. Bringing the cable for that up through the bilge and engine area to where the electronics are is also helpful.