Loss of Radar functions with 4.21


New member
We recently did the update on our TZT units to 4.21. There seems to be quite a bit of "dumbing down" on Radar controls and functionality. There now is no option in the quick menu to remove route information from the radar display. No ability to do parallel index lines. No ability to offset the EBL or the VRM. Has anyone else experienced similar issues? We work in areas where electronic charts are not always accurate and we have to do a lot of navigation using local paper charts and radar. :think
Good morning Dexter,

Thank you for your inquiry, as Johnny mentioned it would be best to update your unit to the latest version of software.

I also would like to add that I don't believe any version of TZT software included Parallel Index lines. Our IMO radars include this feature due demands and regulations to support MSC Resolution .64(67)/22/Add.1 Annex 17. But the TZT MFD is not an IMO radar, so are you referring to EBL or Electronics Bearing Line? This feature should still be available in version 4.21 as well as VRM's or Variable Range Marker? Sometimes after an update the Full Rotokey menu gets set back to Basic. The EBL and VRM option is not included in the Basic Rotokey mode. You can verify what Rotokey mode you are in by hitting the Home Button, Choose Menu, General, Rotokey: Full or Basic. Can you confirm which mode you are in?

C-Bass and Johnny,

Thank you for the replies. We are in the process of sending two of our TZT14 displays away to have delaminating displays repaired so unfortunately no ability to check settings. C-Bass, I get what you are saying about the radar functions of the TZT. I work with several different Furuno setups on commercial fishing vessels as well as pleasure yachts. For some reason I was sure that we had some more functionality on the TZT prior to the last update? If not a parallel index function then at least the ability to offset the EBL and VRM. If I do have my systems mixed up then this is something that is much needed in the TZT systems. If somebody could whisper into Furunos' ear that some of us out on the water need a bit more from an expensive radar than whats currently the case. Due to the size and function of the yacht a larger commercial setup is not an option.
Good morning Dexter88,

Certainly understand and we always appreciate product recommendations regarding feature set. So I want to thank you for your inquiry and response.

Kind Regards,