Interpreting version number strings


I updated my TXT3-16s to 3.70.1 and thought I'd check to see if my other devices needed updating.

That brought up two questions:

1. See the attached pictures - I'm having a difficult time determining what the version string is reporting. For example,
- Is the DRS4D-NXT at version 1.01, 1.02, 1.07, or 1.06?
- Is the DFF-3D at version 1.05, 1.02, or 1.01?

2. Is there a list of current versions for each network sensor? I the find the 'NavNet Network Sensor Update May 2024' file and have placed the contents on a USB stick but was hoping to see a list of the most recent versions before simply plugging in the stick and hoping for the best. I was hoping the Sensor Update zip file contained a READ.ME, but I did not see anything that obvious.



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The radar has 1.07 software.
The DFF3D has 1.05 software
If you check the parent company website ( under support - download software, you will find a good description of the versions of software loaded in the NavNet sensor update.
Thanks so much, Johnny. I found the docs on the Furuno site in the location you described.

I performed the update and successfully updated the radar. While the SCX-20 indicated an NG update process, after rebooting the MFD the software update tool showed the SCX-20 had indeed been updated.

The update for the DFF3D continues to fail. It also disconnected and refused to connect after two MFD reboots. It finally connected again on the third reboot, so I left it alone for now. I'll try the updater one more time before waving the white flag.

Thanks for your help!

MFD Screen.jpg
You might try the DFF3D with other items of the network turned off. If still not working it might need to be step updated. I do note that your update screen seems to show that the DFF3D without a current version of software. That seems a bit odd.
That field was blank when I received the error message saying the DFF-3D was disconnected. I agree, weird.

Also a bit weird is the SCX-20 always shows as needing an update. I tried letting it update again with the same result. Ah well, the main SCX-20 app is showing the correct version, so I think I’m good. Don’t know why the gnss_core shows the wrong version, but all seems to be functioning properly.

This morning I tried the update process again and this time the DFF-3D successfully accepted the update. I’m all set now.

Thanks again.