How do I turn off Risk visualizer


New member
Was far offshore 2 days ago, looking for bird packs. Had DRS25A-NXT/6 set on bird mode, and it was quite rough so had it set on rough. Had radar set at 0.5 miles range, and there were no birds in the immediate area. Despite there being no birds, my screen was loaded with returns and targets with vectors, and also the Risk Visualizer alarm was annoyingly flashing red and beeping constantly. This seems to be a new feature of the TXTouchXL 24's that are new on my boat.

When connected to a DRS Radar, two new, powerful safety features are unlocked: Risk Visualizer™ and AI Avoidance Route™. Risk Visualizer™ is a unique function of Furuno Radars that provides a 360° visual representation of potential collision risks of approaching objects around the vessel. Unlike CPA/TCPA alarms, which indicate only the risks visible on the ship’s current course, Risk Visualizer™ assesses all of the objects around the vessel.

I am guessing the radar was showing 50-100 targets because it was rough and the waves were like a washing machine, which is a bit disappointing in and of itself since I'll never find any birds like that, but how do turn off the risk visualizer function so I can at least have some peace while looking for bird packs LOL?
Risk visualizer can be turned off in the layers menu. From the radar or chart plotter screen, swipe up from the bottom, switch to the "Overlays" tab and then you should have the option to turn it off or on. Also in that menu is the ability to turn Bird Mode off or on, once you select that you can choose sea conditions, Just note when in rough seas it will try it's best, but weaker bird targets might not be detected.

Another tip in using bird mode is to turn on echo average and echo trails. Echo average will help emphasize the bird targets and trails helps because ships will have long trails behind them and birds will have sporadic short trails often appearing like a zig zag.

If you are ever out at sea and have a question about any of the features go to the home screen and select "eGuide" this is a digital version of the manual and allows you to search for what you are looking for. Hope this helps you!
Thank you, Ackbar. I have found that button on the overlays tab, and have turned it off, but the risk visualizer alarms continue to display
They will be making some changes to the software to make it easier how to shut off the feature. RV is not a global setting so it sounds like you might have more than one display that would need to be turned off independently to stop the alarm(s). The quick and easy way to shut off that feature is to turn off the "Full Auto Tracking" at any MFD. That is a global setting and without that ON, RV will not work. Turning that setting off should resolve the alarms and turn off the feature.
They will be making some changes to the software to make it easier how to shut off the feature. RV is not a global setting so it sounds like you might have more than one display that would need to be turned off independently to stop the alarm(s). The quick and easy way to shut off that feature is to turn off the "Full Auto Tracking" at any MFD. That is a global setting and without that ON, RV will not work. Turning that setting off should resolve the alarms and turn off the feature.
Thanks Johhny, where do we find the "full auto tracking" selection?
Johnny I do not have a full tracking sea mode available under my radar layers. Only upon activation of bird mode.
What version of software are you running?
Have you looked to see if it shows when you have Target Analyzer turned ON?
Are you getting risk visualizer alarms while the normal Target Analyzer is turned off as shown?
Add me to the list that the Risk Visualizer Alarm is far more annoying than good. It gives constant alerts to nothing but when a boat without AIS come up from behind me, no alert. I tried turning it off on all three of my XL plotters, but it still alerts.

I ended up turning my radar off at a time when I wanted it on because the alerts and the beeping were creating a distraction. The Risk Visualizer Alert distracts from safety rather than enhances it.

When is this update coming? Not soon enough.

These four new TzTouchXLs are amazing. But, wow, that constant RV Alarm sure is annoying. 😯 The good news is that I think I figured out how to disable it, so I'll share my experience.

FWIW, Johnny, at least for our 4x TzTouchXL setup, unless I did something wrong turning off Full Auto Tracking did not seem to disable the RV alarms. The RV alarms only stopped after I did the full process below.

Note that if you don't see the "Full Auto Tracking" option on your TzTouchXL, make sure your radar firmware is up to date. We didn't have that setting visible at first and had to update our radar firmware before that option appeared on our TzTouchXL units. See, which was for our radar (hint: for using the PC update route for your radar, edit the update.bat file to refer to the subdirectory that is for your radar type).

Here's what finally worked for me to dispose of the constant Risk Visualizer alarms:
  1. Tap the Furuno top left button.
  2. Select and load each and every window layout that has one or more Chart or Radar component windows in it.
  3. Within each layout, select each and every sub-window that is ether a Chart or Radar (i.e. so that the orange "selected" border is active for that chart or radar).
  4. Swipe up from the bottom, select the Overlays tab, and manually disable Risk Visualizer for that sub-window in the layout.
  5. Repeat this for every sub-window in every layout.
  6. Do this whole #1-5 process again manually for every TzTouchXL display installed on your boat.
  7. Crack a beer and massage your pointing finger from all of the tapping and swiping.
My experience was I had to manually disable Risk Visualizer for every Radar and Chart sub-window of every layout of every physical TzTouchXL display. It seems that if you leave even one sub-widow (Radar or Chart) in just one layout on any one display still enabled, then Risk Visualizer is still active for the whole system an RV alarms will still constantly pop up, even if that layout isn't currently active. Also, if you add a new layout including a Chart or Radar, make sure and turn RV off on that new layout too. I agree that a software improvement to this seems quite warranted.

I see potential in this feature, though. My suggestion would be to do more like the Timzero software itself does for a similar "dangerous target" feature. That would mean:
a) Don't pop an alarm. Just turn the risky target and track/heading red on the display, and display the CPA lines as if you'd tapped on the target. The red color change is pretty obvious to the helmsman without an alarm.
b) Make it work for AIS targets too (perhaps especially for AIS targets), not just ARPA.
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