Heading Configuration

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I seem to have some sort of configuration error in the heading setup of my TZT system. When the radar is on, the heading line is off at an angle, which happens to be about the same as the 14 degree magnetic variation in my area. Also my autopilot (711C) wanders badly when in NAV mode but does okay in AUTO mode.

My suspicion is that this is due to an incorrect configuration setting relating to magnetic variation. I have a PG700 but I also have an Airmar GH2183 that outputs the heading PGN over NMEA2000. I get the problem regardless of which I choose as source. The heading sensors have been through the calibration procedure for deviation correction.

The configuration settings have a few choices that would seem to have an effect on this:
1) bearing display (Mag or True)
2) heading source (I can choose PG700 or GH2183)
3) magnetic variation source

I have tried various combinations but can't seem to get at the problem.
How should I set up these items? Also should I turn on "sensor synch" in the FAP711C setup menu? Thanks.
I do NOT recommend turning on sensor sync in the autopilot.
The PG700 is a magnetic compass. For troubleshooting ensure that the TZT is using it as your heading source under MENU - INSTALLATION SETUP -DATA SOURCES. Then ensure both the pilot and the TZT is setup to display MAG heading. This way everything is on the same page. Look at the heading on the Autopilot, the TZT, and your normal Magnetic steering compass. The TZT and pilot should be the same (both reading the PG700) and compare that to your normal compass. Do these match? If not what doesn't match what, and by how much.
That's how I have it set up now -- both TZT and autopilot are set to use PG-700 as heading source and sensor synch is off.

The autopilot display and the TZT show exactly the same heading. If I have the compass offset setting (under compass setting/seatrial in autopilot installation menu) set to zero, the magnetic heading shown on the TZT and autopilot will be about 20 degrees greater that my ship's magnetic compass. If the boat is underway, the magnetic COG from the GPS will also be about 20 degrees off (and agrees with the ship's compass). The radar overlay will also be skewed about 20 degrees.

If I enter a compass offset adjustment of 21 degrees in the autopilot compass setup menu, the radar overlay will match the chart features and the COG while underway will be close to the heading displayed on the TZT and autopilot. I did the auto deviation correction on the PG700 first.

The radar heading adjust for the alignment of the array is about 2 degrees. If I aim the boat straight at a target, the heading line will bisect it so I am pretty sure that is set correctly.

As I said in my prior post, the PG700 is mounted squarely fore and aft and certainly not skewed 20 degrees off the boat's center line. That's why this is so puzzling to me.

The autopilot also does not seem to steer well in NAV mode, though it is a lot better now that I did the heading offset. It tends to wander off course.
It sounds like the heading offset is required and isn't unheard of. Run with the compass heading offset and ensure that the heading from the TZT and Autopilot consistently agree with your steering compass (within a degree or two) when running a straight course with no recent turns. This would be proper. Your autopilot not steering well would have been due partly because of this heading not setup correctly. Now that it is correct; if you still have some problems with NAV mode, then the Autopilot needs to be looked at. It would be best if you could call into our tech support while at the boat. It could be the data flow setup isn't correct or the settings in the pilot are not exactly right. There are many things that can cause a pilot issues.
Okay, thanks. I assumed that the need for the heading offset given the mounting is straight meant there was a problem.

I will try and call tech support about the autopilot when the boat is out on the water and I can make adjustments to the settings and evaluate the effect.
Okay, thanks. I assumed that the need for the heading offset given the mounting is straight meant there was a problem.

Not always but testing and time will tell. If the heading doesn't stay matching then you have a problem.
Thanks, I will watch for any changes. Who knows, maybe I will be able to see the numbers in larger size soon on my TZT 2 15L. I noticed that your website no longer says "coming soon" and that the TZT 2 is now the featured product on the home page so it must be close to release.