GP1971F w/ 12 pin tm275lhw



I have a tm275lhw for tzt3. I recently installed a dff3d with a tm260. I reviewed the product page for the 1971 and couldn’t find what plug it accepts for the ducer. I assume a 10 pin? I have seen 10-12 adapters, but not 12-10. Anyway, is this combo a possibility?

GP1x71F uses single band chirp or dual band CW "traditional" transducers via the 10pin plug.

?? Not sure what you are asking. The GP1971F uses a 10 pin connection. You can't use an adaptor and use a 12 pin transducer, if that is the question. The 12 pin to 10 pin is used only for the TZT3 to allow it's 12 pin to run 10 pin transducers. The adaptor doesn't work the other way around.
I wouldn't say only. You can cut the connector off and wire it to something like the DFF1-UHD.
What I am saying is the GP1971F is SINGLE FREQ CHIRP sounder and it won't drive a DUAL FREQ CHIRP transducer. The only dual freq transducer are CW 10pins. If running CHIRP, it should be done with a 10 pin single freq transducer. The sounder in the GP1971F isn't nearly the same as that used in the TZT3.