I had the 1971F connected to a B-164 for a couple of trips on my boat this past summer. I also was unsure about which transducer option to select but did end up using the 50/200kHz - 1kW option. The B-164 is a popular transducer. Having one more option in the list for 526TID-LTD/0-12-20 should not have been outside Furuno's capability. Frustrating.
Because I've been considering a TZT2-15" running Navionics, and connecting it to the same B-164 and hoping to take advantage of Rezboost, I'm curious to know if Rezboost was actually working in the 1971F when connected to the B-164 using the 50/200kHz - 1kW option. I'm hoping this may give me some idea whether or not Rezboost will work at all with the B-164.
Below are a couple of screen shots comparing performance of the same B-164 connected to my old FCV585 and connected to the 1971F. I didn't see a lot of improvement with the 1971F.
As far as the C-Map charts went, for at least one spot that I fished, at a buoy adjacent to a ledge, the vector chart was flat out erroneous, not showing the ledge at all and putting me on the wrong side of the buoy. The raster chart, when panned out showed the correct bathymetry and put me on the correct side of the buoy but when I tried to zoom in, the display switched back to vector. I gave up.
Unimpressed with the fish finder quality and rather alarmed with the chart performance my 1971F didn't stay on the boat long.