Furuno RD-33 wind graph


New member
Good day everyone,

The ship i work on uses the RD-33 as a wind alarm on the bridge. We use a custom page that shows the true wind speed on a graph. The scale of the graph is 0 to 20kts and 30 minutes. I am trying to adjust these scales but i cant find any settings for them. When i change a new custom page to a wind graph its loads a scale of 0 to 20kts and 5minutes with no options to adjust.

on other ships in my company i have seen it is possible to adjust the graph to a scale of 50 knots. Does anybody know how to do this?
If the other boats witht he same unit adjust but yours doesn't, it sounds like you are not running the latest software. What is the software version in the RD33?
If the other boats witht he same unit adjust but yours doesn't, it sounds like you are not running the latest software. What is the software version in the RD33?
Hi Johnny,

I wasnt able to find what the latest update version is on our RD-33. Can you tell me on what page i can find this information?

I have added two pictures of the wind graph using a custom display. One of them has a 30 minute scale and the other a 5 minute scale. These are the scale settings im looking for that i cannot find. Someone in the past managed to change the time to 30 minutes instead of the default 5 minutes. So it must be possible to adjust the scales somehow and hopefully put the windspeed to a larger scale then 20.
v1.11 or 1.12 is considered current. V1.12 added some chinese characters so not really important to most of us here. These units are not easy to update. It would need to be sent into the service center for update when the boat has downtime, if the software is older.