flush mounted TZT

Here's one of my flush mounted TZT3 19's next to one with the cover still on.


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If they are truly flush mounted "glass bridge" style, you cannot use the cover. Mine were done that way with the face of the display glass flush with the black surround and black sealant in the small gap. I have a separate removable fibreglass panel that fits over the entire opening and covers both displays.


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Thanks Quitsa, do you think the flush mount was worth it? Or would you rather traditional mount so you can use the covers?
buckshot":2tki8wc6 said:
Thanks Quitsa, do you think the flush mount was worth it? Or would you rather traditional mount so you can use the covers?

If I had it to do over, I would probably have done a more traditional overlay mount like the one shown in bayhouse's photo. Not because of the cover, which is not that important for my helm, but rather to make it a lot easier to remove the units if necessary. If I took one f mine out, it would require a lot of work to clean up the bedding and redo it. I have not had any issues that require removing the MFDs, however, there are times when I wished I could pull one to get at the various stuff behind them. I do have access to that area through a hatch below, but it wud be way easier to do it from the front.