Fish it Drift it

I just watched Furuno’s video about Drift-it Fish -it. I understood Fish-it, you mark a fish and it tells how to get back to it. On Drift-it how does it pick where to start the drift. They never mentioned a weather service subscription. I would think you need up to date wind, current and tide info. Or a realtime weather station?
It doesn't need weather information. When started, it has you drift and uses that sample information about the currents for a period of time to determine your start point needed to begin from. You navigate to that start point and then "drift" and it should slowly move over the target in the amount of time you have set the drift-it for. You must be under 6 knots drifting naturally and not under power for the function to work.
Perfect... so no need for me to use a piece of electrical tape on my screen.
I just pulled the trigger on a TZT16F, BWW4 & DFF3D :jump :furuno