FI 70 Question

Can you adjust the water temperature graph and dial it into a smaller range of temps? Like say if you know you are only going to be in 75-78 degrees F water all day and you find the fish are in 76.8-77.3 degrees can you scale the graph down and select a temp range of your choice?
Tailin Strange
Thank You for your inquiry. The answer to your question is yes; but not in the manner in which I believe you have requested.
For instance, lets say the current water temperature reading is 75 degrees. Through the FI70 menus you can adjust the graphed time interval (5minutes, 10minutes, 30minutes for example) as well as the GRAPHED RANGE (that is the difference between the upper limit and the lower limit) in whole numbers only. Out of the box the default graphed range is 9 degrees of water temperature. So in our example of 75 degree water, the graph would depict 79.5 degree water down to 70.5 degree water. Basically 4.5 degrees above our current water temp and 4.5 degrees below our current water temp. Unfortunately 9 degrees of water temp separation is the smallest interval the GRAPHED RANGE can be set for.