Fcv 295 cm599lhg help!


New member
Hello I have the setup stated above, I have having issues on low frequency in the tall water lets say 5-750ft of water. Tag on 4 and distance 200ft above my depth. I am having an issue with noise about 50ft off the bottom a bunch of red cloudy crap. running clutter as high as 60-70% and still have the noise. Noise doesn’t go away until I bring the tvg distance higher. Anyone know what could be causing this I have the high frequency dialed in with no issues. Will send pictures during my next deep drop trip next week. Thanks any ideas to try during please lmk. Is ok to run the tvg distance at 3000ft in 700ft? Thoughts thanks.

What is are the transducer tap settings that you are using for the FCV295, and what are the LF and HF frequencies that you have selected..?

What is the LF's TX Power and RX Band settings..?

- Deep Blue

What is are the transducer tap settings that you are using for the FCV295, and what are the LF and HF frequencies that you have selected..?

What is the LF's TX Power and RX Band settings..?

- Deep Blue
Tap settings are tap C for LF and tap C for HF
I believe TX power is max and RX band to 10 I will have to double check those. I have a trip tomorrow and will post pictures.