It is definitive it can't be used. Besides the connections it has to do with current and the conductor size. The DRS6A runs off 48v and current values are different whenever running 12v. (Voltage goes down, current goes up when everything else is equal) You can NOT use the PSU012 because it provide 48vdc and will smoke your new NXT. If you are running an old NN3D system, you do know that you can't run an NXT radar correct? If you are retrofitting to TZT3 an older HUB101 should be replaced with the newer version or something off the shelf. Power sync is not used after NN3D so if using a new hub101, ensure all power sync switches are OFF. The older NN3D era HUB101 can not be used with TZ up because they are too slow and will provide nothing but problems. They can only be used with the NN3D. If your not sure how old the hub is look under the cover. At the circuit board top right it will have "Furuno" and a part number with a -11, -22, or -55. For TZT and up you must have a -55 or replace it. The PSU012 should be sold off or go used with the old radar.