DFF3D setup - what have i screwed up?


New member

I've installed a tzt3 12, dff3d, scx20 and TM54. It's also connected to a TM260 which was already on the boat.

I thought i had followed the instructions exactly but it seems I have screwed up somewhere and I cannot find what i have done wrong. Everything seems to work fine but the dff3d mapping is not what i have seen on videos. It seems to be scanning off centre and i am also not sure if the image is as clear as it should be. I have checked the angle on the tm54 compared to the scx20 and it is slightly different but by very little eg 1 or 2 degrees.

Any suggestions on where to start my trouble shooting will be most welcome.

dff3d 1.jpegdff3d 2.jpg
Did you select the SCX20 as the motion sensor? If you are using the SCX20 as the motion sensor you must setup the location of the SCX20 referenced to the 165T-TM54. This is important because you are entering the location of the transducer relative to the GPS ant (SCX20). See below.

If you use the internal (built in) motion sensor you setup to internal for the motion sensor source.



Yes, I have the SCX20 set as the heading sensor and entered all of the above data. My boat is only 6.5m but I measured all distances with maximum precision (to the mm) using laser levels. I will go back over them again to be sure i did not make stuff up in the negative / positive entry.
Sorry to be a pain but is there any chance you could confirm (or correct) the settings i have entered for the transducer, gps and motion sensor setup. I have attached a sketch of the boat showing the position of the TM54, centre of gravity and SCX20. I believe the distances are correct for the relevant item, but i am not so sure about the + / - values.


  • setup.jpg
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  • settings.jpg
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Also, on the weekend it was throwing up the "missing multibeam depth data" error. I've found a thread on this and will check all the connections but I thought i would add this to the mix as it might (or might not) be relevant to the other issue i am experiencing.

Currently working with Furuno troubleshooting the issue. Settings were correct although they have suggested using a slighly lower centre of gravity which in hindsight i would agree with although the value i used is spot on their recommended value of H/2. Have done software updates on both the mfd and scx and now need to get it back on the water to get pics of various different displays or perhaps it might just work perfectly. I checked the difference in the angles between transducer and scx and they were within half a degree along the keel line and transverse to the keel line so that is not the cause. Weather here is rubbish at present so could be a few weeks before i get out fishing again. Figured i would post an update in the event someone ends up chasing a similar issue.