Dff3d Roll Offset Calibration



I'm curious about the DFF3D Roll Offset using an SCX20:

The SATELLITE COMPASS™ itself should be calibrated to offset the roll and pitch for PBG.

6.2. SATELLITE COMPASS™ - Roll and Pitch OffsetThe SATELLITE COMPASS™ itself should be calibrated to offset the roll and pitch for PBG.Step 1:At the calm area such as inside the harbor, where is not affected by wave, etc., check the reclining condition oftransducer in the following menu, as well as seeing how the bottom is reclined in the cross section mode.[Home] – [Settings] – [Multi Beam Sonar] – [Initial Setup] –
[DFF3D Monitoring]

When I go to DFF3D Monitoring as instructed above I get a value for Roll of about +2 Degrees. Seems right as the boat has a little list and I notice by correcting for list on vessel I can move this value around, and even to 0. But in real use I can't always get to a perfect at 0 degrees with people/gear/fuel/water moving around so I'm thinking this is where offset comes in?

If for example I have this +2 degree roll, should i use the SCX offset calibration to compensate for it?

If so, and given that I'm showing a +2 degrees value in monitoring, would I then put +2 degree or -2 degree value into the scx20 roll offset calibrator?


I would try this following setting first and see how your system reacts on the boat:

Go to [FURUNO] -->[SETTINGS]-->[MULTIBEAM]-->[INTIAL SETUP]-->[TRANSDUCER SETUP]-->[MOTION SENSOR SOURCE]-->Then make sure that this setting is selected: [SC]

- Deep Blue ;)
Thanks Deep Blue

Took this picture today. Motion Sensor Source you requested is in "SC"
Also as you can see my Roll and Pitch Sensor offsets are currenlty set to 0.0


Here's the monitoring as my boat is sitting in the slip. Roll of 1.8 and Pitch of 1.3


Can I use the Roll Sensor Offset and Pitch Sensor Offset to compenate for the 1.8 and 1.3 values?

Yes, you could make the corrections for the Pitch and Roll Offsets. But I would see how the sounder looks before making any adjustments or changes.

- Deep Blue

The way I understand it is that positive values mean I'm listing 1.8 deg to starboard and bow up 1.3 degrees. Can you confirm which way I use the pitch sensor offset to correct for this? Would I type into it +1.8 or -1.8 to correctly offset the current list?

Here's how the sounder looks in the slip. Excuse the noise as there's a lot of interference at my dock that clears up in open water.

Here's how the sounder looks in use on the anchor. I believe I did correct for the concave bottom after this photo was taken with the Speed of Sound Correction.

PBG Mapping



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Something is still not right. Can you ensure that the DFF3D's Transducer is not mounted backwards..? it's looking like the motion is backwards...

- Deep Blue

When I see something like that. Then it generally means that the motion is off, or possibly due to a backward installed transducer causing the ridging.

Try changing this: [FURUNO] -->[SETTINGS]-->[DFF3D MULTIBEAM]-->[INTIAL SETUP]-->[TRANSDUCER SETUP]-->[TRANSDUCER MIS-MOUNT CORRECTION] and see if clears up those ridges.

- Deep Blue


  • DFF3D Bottom Ridges.jpg
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This pic is facing forward (probably obvious by bolt but for clarity) I'm checking against the manual now and it is looking backwards right?


There's a setting to flip transducer if installed backwards right? I think I remember reading that.
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Todd F,

If the transducer bolt pointed toward the bow (forward), then the transducer is orientated correctly. You can still flip the transducer mis-mount correction just to see how the DFF3D reacts... 🤷‍♂️

- Deep Blue
I think the bolt is part of the block. Its definitely forward.

The transducer looks like its backwards if the wire bundle is coming out aft instead of forward. I'll check it out. Thanks
If I remember the housing of that transducer correctly, it is symmetrically shaped and will fit into the fairing block either way, even if the bolt is oriented correctly for the fairing block.
Correct. Its symmetrical and as Deep Blue suspected, was definitely installed backwards. Thanks for that observation Deep Blue, I'd hate to have years of PBG recordings with a reversed transducer. I corrected for reversed transducer in setup menu but haven't used it. I'll post results when I do.

Also, I played with the roll and pitch sensor offsets, adjusting them to really high positve and negative numbers and nothing on the screen appeared to ever change, at least sitting at the dock. I'm assuming they don't do anything if you have SC as your motion sensor as it seems nobody knows how the adjustments work and they don't seem to have an observable effect on the display.