DFF3D Manual Depth


New member
I went on my maiden voyage last week after spending a couple months installing all my Furuno equipment. Everything works great, especially the autopilot.

One thing I could not figure out, can I set a manual depth range for the dff3d?
Our waters out here go from 100ft to 3000ft very fast, and it would keep losing bottom.

Is there a way to quickly switch the dff3d to only track the top 200ft of the water column?

At a high level,

To keep tracking bottom turn on "Auto Range" and adjust your bottom range shift to a big number (like 70), leaving the gain mode in "auto cruising." Conversely, to monitor the water column, you would turn off "auto range", pinch to zoom-in/out (or use the slider) to get to about 200' and than flip the gain mode over to "auto fishing." :cool

Hope this helps, :sail

- Maggy