Dff-3D teething gremlins?


New member
IMG_0185.jpegHi all, crew member here watching this from the sidelines. Fresh install into a 130 Sunseeker. Professional install ( grain of salt here), with supposedly all required info fed into the Timezone system for the motion sensor. Another grain of salt here, I’m not the installer and the resulting read is evidence enough that something is amiss.

This is an example of what we are seeing? This is in approx. 30 metres of water, chart calling it flat bottom, at steady 10 knots. Mild swell, light winds. A check of transducer shows it’s mounted correctly and not backwards. Can anyone help with where we should begin to look for corrective action?
You might join one of the Facebook groups for timezero; your dealer or regional rep could probably send you an invite.
Looking at that, it appears that your transducer is tilted a little bit. There's adjustment for that in the software. You might also need to adjust the velocity setting to make the bottom flatten out a bit. The install should have sea-trialed with you and run both directions over some flat bottom and adjusted these things before sending you on you way. But I can't be sure it's tilted because you're running next to a countour line and it might be accurate.. Do some tests running perpendicular to the contour lines if you don't have flat bottom to test/adjust with.
Yep, I would suspect that as well. In the MFD there is a setting to flip it digitally 180 but not sure what TimeZero folks offer in the PC based software. I recommend talking with them.

It does appear that it's a classic case of the transducer's orientation being "backwards". Just like "Sparky Wire" had suggested, you can digitally select it for 180° and see if that improves the presentation.

The way I like to check to ensure that transducer is pointed in the right direct is run the vessel parallel to any shoreline, dock, or sea wall and then see if it show's up on the proper side of the boat. :unsure:

-Deep Blue