confirm this is a Furuno photo?

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I saw this photo on another website referencing chirp transducers with FCV 295/1150.

This photo is very useful to me to fine tune my 295. It sure looks like a furuno photo. is there a photo library at furuno we as customers can reference to to assist us?


  • 1150.jpg
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That screen shot is from a test I did years ago. I am curious on what web site you saw it on?

the hull truth

My 295 with r99 display the information similar to the LF side in the photo. However i have the clutter at 100% and color erase at 35. Anything less saturates the screen. I don't get the distinctive fish arches displayed on the hf side
Do the settings sound normal?
Fish arches will hard to come by using the R-99. Both the LF and HF beam widths are narrow for/aft. Your fish targets will look more like the R-509 pictured below. You can elongate the targets by going slower but that's about all you can do.
Thanks Snips

Thanks for explaining that. What about the photo library?

If its secret proprietary etc. i get that. Sure would help out like this photo did.
We don't have a Furuno library of sounder screen shots. I do have an archive of screen shots from different testing I have done over the years. If you have a specific question concerning a sounder or transducer let me know and I can see if I have any information that may help.

Any way you can send me a couple photos of your r99 properly tuned? By that i mean set up the way you would to maximize the unit.

This was quite a step up from my fcv 592 with a b256. That being said, i could really read that unit and apply it to the way i fish.

Its been quite a learning curve especially with the sensitivity of the r99 combined with the 295.

The R-99 and it's brother the R-199 weren't around very long so I don't have any screen shots of them. That being say the LF side of the R-99 had a 9 X 17 degree BW and the HF side has a 6 degree BW. Normally I would like to see a 20 degree BW (for/aft Beam Width) or greater for fish arches. The R-99 also had a low "Q" ( 3 and 6) so looking at changes in the bottom via the tail of the primary echo is going to be difficult.

So you have gone from a transducer with a 20+ BW on the LF side to one that is 9 degrees. You went from a transducer with four elements to one that has fifteen so your fish targets are going to look shorter but stronger. You have also gone from a 1kw to 2kw so you are also going to see more "stuff" in the water column.

In the end you know what is in the waters you are fishing in. Just know that you aren't going to be missing fish targets, they just are going to be shorter than they used to be.

If you want to try to make them longer you can change the Pulse Length of the FCV-295 from STD (Standard) to Short 1, change the TX Rate from 20 to MAX and increase the screen advance from 1/1 to 2/1. If you do this, I recommend doing them one at a time to see which one has the greater affect.

Thanks Snips

Im getting it. Thanks for sharing your expertise. Had no idea regarding the bw issue.