compatibility between units



I have an older 1724C radar/chart plotter ,that works fine but the dome has been compromised by weather and it no longer works. I found an open array unit on ebay model RSB-00091 and would like to find out if they are compatible. Thank you
Normally to tell compatibly we also need the RTR number along with the RSB gearbox number. In your case the RSB0091 only had one RTR used inside that gear box. It is a two foot open array designed for the 7" NavNet series one. When connected to a 7" NavNet one it is known as the 1753C radar. Although the Vx2 7" was never designed or sold with anything other than a dome, it will work. You would configure the radar up as if it was the 1734C radar.
Johnny Electron i greatly appreciate your help, do you know of anywhere that i may be able to get a schematic for wiring the unit or should i just follow what is wired in the unit now.