Can't Find "Radar Filters" and "Echo Trails" Settings


Furuno Fan
There are a few radar settings described in the TZT14 manual that I can't seem to find. I have V5.01 installed on my TZT14 and the radar is a DRS6A.

My understanding of paragraphs 6.11 and 6.14 in the TZT14 manual is that the radar RotoKey menu should have selections for "Radar Filters" and "Echo Trails", but mine does not. The "Radar Adjust" submenu doesn't have those items either (see photos).

Is there some setup option I must enable to get these items to appear or does my particular radar not support them?


  • RadarAdjustMenu2.JPG
    68.5 KB · Views: 1,274
  • RotoRadarMenu2.JPG
    47.6 KB · Views: 1,274
Good morning Rick Vicik,

Thank you for your inquiry. Yes you are on the right track but just one more step. The RotoKey menu's have two modes, Base mode which is the default mode, or Full mode. As you can surmise the base and full mode give you different options.

The radar echo trail feature is not an available option in the base RotoKey menu, but it is available in the full RotoKey Menu.

There are two ways to access the full RotoKey menu. At anytime if you want to access the full RotoKey menu push and hold the RotoKey in for 5 seconds. You will get a note at the top of the screen in yellow that says Full RotoKey Enabled. Then you will have the option of selecting any feature that is not available in the Base RotoKey menu.

We give the customer options to choose what RotoKey mode they want the system to stay in. This is found in the Menu-General-RotoKey (Choose Base or Full). When full is selected it will always be in full RotoKey mode.


Please also refer to the table in Section 14.1 of the operators manual to see what features are available in base and full RotoKey Mode.
