Calibration of FCV-30 echosounders

  • Thread starter Thread starter Martin1989
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Dear all,
We have-as part of our fleet-9 vessels with 38 kHz FCV-30 echosounders. We want to estimate the biomass fron the acoustic data collected by those vessels during fishing seasons. For that purpose, we need to calibrate the echosounders. At the moment, we don't know the theoretical basis or how to set the input parameters to begin with the first step of the calibration process (collect echoes from a sphere). Maybe some of you have developed a protocol to make this task. If it's the case, could you share it? Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Martin Santivañez Yuffra
Fisheries research coordinator
Good afternoon Martin Santivañez Yuffra,

Thank you for your inquiry.

I would also like to add that we certainly appreciate your business and we will do everything we can to make sure you get your questions answered. We realize this is an important discussion and topic for your team as I can imagine you are nearing the Peruvian season for anchovy.

With respect to your questions about calibration for the FCV30BB, I have passed this along the line to our upper management team. After discussion we have learned that it appears there is internal discussion with Marco Peru and Furuno Electric Company Engineers in Japan about your inquiry.

Based on the scope of this forum this is not a topic that we would normally discuss as it is much too in depth for the sake of the forum. We certainly do not want ignore your request but we must defer to FEC and Marco Peru for their input with regards to this particular questions about calibration with the FCV30BB. Our team here at Furuno USA will certainly do everything we can to assist and we will follow up with FEC and Marco Peru to make sure you get your questions answered detail.

I know this is probably not the answer you are looking for but we should have something soon from FEC and Marco Peru regarding your inquiry.

Kind Regards,
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