C-maps4D card won't read

If you feel it is the unit, it could be sent in for evaluation. Many times we find it is the low cost adapter that is included with the C-map microSD maps. You might want to try a different Micro to SD adapter.
Hello Johnny, Thanks for your feedback.
I tried to insert several micro SD cards into the old adapter, but he did not see a micro SD card.
When I put the old micro SD card in he sees it immediately.
Fortunately, I can return the C-maps card and get my money back.

But I still want to refresh my C-maps map....
very strange, I can read and write all cards on a PC or laptop and the Furuno 1870 sees nothing...?
Which cards can I use for the Furuno 1870 F.... Class 4, class10...?
The 32 GB cards mentioned in the manual are no longer for sale.!
C-map mapping cards have special formatting. You can't provide your own media or copy them. Please contact C-map or their dealers for chart options and resolutions regarding their products.
I want the card to use for my tracks. Not for to copy Maps.
Which cards can I use for the Furuno 1870 F.... Class 4, class10...?
My bad, I was thrown of by the "C-map4D card won't read" statement.


I have never found the speed rating of the card to matter particularly when just saving a small data file like tracks or points.