Axis P7214 with TZT2

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New member
I have a weird situation on a installation with a axis server.
On the boat is installed 2xTZT2 15" one TZT2 black Box and one pc running MaxSea Time Zero soft.
I have one ip axis camera that I can view it on all machines without any problem and an axis server (AXIS P7214) with 3 analogue cameras that I can see it only at MaxSea and TZT2 BB. The two TZT2 15" are in flybridge area and Pc and TZT 2 BB at main deck.
All are in the same network.
Anyone that have same issue or can help it will be welcome.
The software to allow more than 4 TZT2 MFDs in a system has not yet been released. The TZT2BB, which has not been officially released in the USA, is considered 2 MFDs due to it's dual processor. With the MaxSea computer you have now exceeded the 4 maximum limit.
I am not sure that is your issue, but it might be related.

If you are in the US you can open a support case on our website under the Get Support heading. If you are outside of the US please contact your local Furuno distributor.
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