GP1870F Data boxes



OK so Saturday was the first on the water day with the new plotter/FF. I added two data boxes to a split screen display. The Data boxes showed position, which is always handy to have shown in case of an emergency and non-familiar user need to call in your position, and SOG which I use to keep a constant trolling speed. The problem is the boxes cover other pertanent information on the screen making the other information hard to read. In this case the scale on my chart zoom was covered if I selected the boxes to the left and the depth was covered if I selected boxes right. I know on other units I was able to place these boxes displayed where I wanted them. Can that be done with this unit?
Well that s**ks.
Can i get rid of the zoom level or depth reading und have either show up in a four section data box? I don't understand why anyone would put data on top of data? there has to be a work around.

Only work around I could do was to remove the depth from the FF screen and add 2 data boxes to that side. One with speed the other with depth. I can still see my range on the plotter screen. Very disappointed that no other options exist. I will contact Furuno and let them know.